All women are beautiful. We’ve all heard that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Oddly, we rarely hear we are the beholder. We can get so busy looking for others to recognize or see our beauty that we forget that we should notice it first. In this blog, I’d like to share the secrets to beauty that we’ve never formally been taught. In fact, this idea is the dharma of any woman.

What is Dharma?

Dharma is an aspect of truth or reality. For example, if you decide to feed the hungry to relieve their hunger, this idea is dharma. If you choose to feed the hungry to receive publicity or shine, this idea is called adharma. Just like the dharma of sugar is to be sweet, and the dharma of fire is to be burning, women’s dharma is to be beautiful. If you’re interested in more of this, please share in the comments below!

To enrich your beauty, you must understand how to adapt to your authentic self. Be raw. Organic. Authentic.

When a woman becomes fully intuned with her feminine self, she will naturally flow in her beauty.

Beauty isn’t only about our human shell, but the inner self. A feminine woman in her element has the energy of beauty all around her. She is beautiful, so it’s also what she attracts. She is powerful.

5 Ways to Flow Naturally in Your Beauty

Body beauty. Body beauty is what is most discussed when someone notices beauty. She takes care of herself. A woman’s body is her masterpiece. She focuses on her skin, hair, appearance, weight daily. When a beautiful woman such as Ciara walks into a room, Ciara’s hubby states, “the room tilts!” She looks good, smells good, and is pleasant to the eyes. She creates peace and harmony just by being in the room.

Consciousness beauty.  This type of beauty is one of the most unlooked attractions of a woman. How she keeps things in order around her. Her home looks like her – fresh flowers, curtains, paintings, freshly designed bathroom, and bedroom. Her closet is organized. She’s particular about what she wears at home, beauty lounging dresses, slippers, beautiful lingerie, and bedsheets. Her home screams harmony and peace. The same goes for her car.

Eating beauty. She is conscious of what she puts into her body, and while savoring her meal, she’s focused on the moment. She eats slowly, tasting each bite, with elegance and authentic feeling of pleasure. A feminine woman eats gracefully and creates a special occasion around her. When you eat with a femininely beautiful woman, you enjoy her company.

Talking beauty. Beauty is shown through your thoughts and what you say. The law of attraction is real. A femininely beautiful woman speaks only great things about herself and others. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t anything at all. She manifests the love, life, and the world she desires. When we are balanced with thoughts as much as we are with our outer appearance, we are seen as more beautiful than ever. She doesn’t curse like a sailor, she isn’t rude, or nasty with her remarks. A femininely beautiful woman expresses herself with elegance and style. She doesn’t pollute the world with demeaning messages or thinking. She’s conscious of the energy she puts out.

All around beauty. She lives and moves through beauty. She takes her time and completes what she starts. Women with an all-around beauty make up their beds. Puts her clothes away. Focuses on getting 8-10 hours of sleep. A beautifully feminine woman is hydrated. She eats 2-3 times daily. She enjoys self-care.

Being a woman is a beautiful thing. We’re are beauty – inside and out. This is genuinely our dharma, our purpose, and our goal on this earth. Once we learn to master how to flow in beauty with these 5 tips, we’ll understand how beautiful we indeed are.

Stay beautiful, ladies!


Lover of all things feminine! Founder & CEO of Lady University

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